Master of Laws Program in Business Laws (English Program)

Program Structure
Learning System
The Program is a part-time two-semester system. Classes are conducted in the evening of Monday through Friday from 17.30 – 20.30 hours. There are two compulsory semesters in an academic year. Each of such semesters consists of 15-16 weeks of classes.
Summer semester may also be available covering not less than 8 weeks provided that extra hours are added for each class in order to make cumulative hours equal to those required for classes in normal semesters. Summer classes, however, are not compulsory.
The Program is conducted entirely in English and offers two plans of study as described below.
Plan A
Plan A offers the fulfillment of required courses and a thesis. Plan A requires not less than 36 credits not less than 24 of which are for certain required courses and 12 credits of which are for a thesis.
- Compulsory courses 15 credits
- Elective courses 9 credits
- Thesis 12 credits
Plan B
Plan B, on the other hand, offers the fulfillment of required courses and an independent research. Plan B requires not less than 36 credits not less than 30 of which are for certain required courses and 6 credits of which are for an independent research.
- Compulsory courses 15 credits
- Elective courses 15 credits
- Independent study 6 credits
a) Compulsory Courses
- LB 600 Advanced Contracts and Torts Law
- LB 601 Corporate Law
- LB 602 International Business Transactions
- LB 603 Law on Business Finance
- LB 604 Research Methodology
b) Elective Courses
- LB 620 Law and Technology
- LB 621 Intellectual Property Law
- LB 622 Alternative Dispute Resolution and Arbitration
- LB 623 International Transportation Law
- LB 624 Insurance Law and Risk Management
- LB 625 Taxation
- LB 626 Competition Law
- LB 627 International Economic Law
- LB 628 Bankruptcy and Debt Restructuring Law
- LB 642 Labor Law and Social Security
- LB 643 Business and Human Rights
- LB 644 Advanced Environmental Law
- LB 645 Consumer Protection Law
- LB 646 Administrative Laws for Business
- LB 647 Laws on Business Crime
- LB 649 Business Law Seminar
- LB 650 Comparative Law of Civil Procedure and Evidence
c) Independent Study and Thesis
- LB 700 Independent Study
- LB 800 Thesis
Estimated fee through the program (2 years)
- Thai student: 242,420 THB
- Non-Thai student: 296,420 THB
Contact for further inquiries:
+66 2 613 2162
+66 81 499 7250